#24 Finding Purpose through the Akashic Records with Meena Ruchi

In this week’s Soul Health Mentor Podcast,

I introduce you to the wonderful Meena Ruchi who helps young professionals get unstuck and reconnect to their gifts so they can live with more clarity and contentment!

She shares her experience of the transformational power of the akashic records and how she discovered them, as well as her inspiring and empowering story of turning things around for herself after struggling with the path that was laid out before her but did not fulfill her.

We talk about struggling with serious challenges and deeming them as “normal” because that’s just how things are.

Meena Ruchi is an Akashic Records Reader and meditation instructor.

She loves helping people who feel stuck or uninspired by life connect with their purpose, so they can cultivate clarity and contentment.

After spending over a decade seeking her own purpose, and finally finding it through the Akashic Records, she finds great joy in bringing this magical perspective to others, helping them to find greater clarity and meaning in their own lives.

You can connect with Meena via these channels:


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